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Navigating Robbery Charges with Confidence

By Hager & Schwartz, P.A.

July 20, 2023

Robbery charges hold significant weight in criminal law, as they are serious felonies that can result in severe consequences. Understanding the intricacies of robbery charges and having confidence in navigating the legal process is crucial for anyone facing such allegations.

When individuals are confident in understanding the charges, their rights, and the options available, they can make informed decisions and actively participate in their defense. Confidence enables individuals to communicate effectively with their legal counsel, gather evidence, and present a strong defense strategy.

A criminal defense attorney who knows how to navigate complex charges and the complicated justice system can help those accused of robbery confidently handle their case. A lawyer can provide advice and insights, discuss possible outcomes, and explore various legal options.

If you need skilled defense in Daytona Beach, schedule a consultation with Hager & Schwartz, P.A. by calling (386) 693-1637.

Understanding Robbery Charges in Florida

Robbery, as defined by Florida Statutes § 812.13, involves taking money or property directly from a person using force, violence, or fear, intending to deprive them of their property. Unlike other theft-related crimes, robbery requires the element of force or intimidation. It goes beyond simply obtaining someone else’s property knowingly; it involves actively taking it from another person’s immediate control or vicinity.

The elements required for the prosecutor to prove robbery include the following:

  • Taking money or property within the direct control or proximity of another person
  • Using force, violence, assault, or instilling fear to carry out the act of taking the property
  • The property in question having some value
  • The actor having the intent to either temporarily or permanently deprive the owner of the property

Robbery charges can manifest in various forms, each carrying its specific circumstances and potential consequences.

Below are other types of robbery charges in Florida:

  • Robbery by sudden snatching: In this scenario, the owner becomes aware of the act while the alleged actor is taking their property. Unlike traditional robbery, force or fear need not be employed, and the owner may not have resisted the taking.
  • Home invasion robbery: This charge occurs when the actor unlawfully enters someone else’s residence and proceeds to rob the occupants. It is a grave offense, given the invasion of personal space and the potential for harm to the occupants.

The potential consequences for robbery charges can vary based on factors such as the specific circumstances, the value of the property involved, and the presence of aggravating factors. Penalties may range from substantial fines to lengthy imprisonment, and a conviction can have long-term repercussions on a person’s life and future opportunities.

The Legal Process for Robbery Cases

From the initial report of a robbery to the case resolution, various stages and procedures are followed to safeguard the rights of both the accused and the victims.

A robbery case typically undergoes several stages, each serving a specific purpose in the legal process. These stages include:

  • Arrest: Once a report of robbery is made, law enforcement officials respond to the scene, investigate the incident, and identify potential suspects. If sufficient evidence is gathered, an arrest may be made.
  • First Appearance: Within 24 hours of the arrest, the alleged actor is brought before a judge for the first appearance. During this hearing, the judge informs the defendant of their charges and advises them of their rights.
  • Arraignment: In the arraignment stage, the indictment or information detailing the charges is read to the defendant. At this point, the defendant can enter a guilty, not guilty, or no contest plea.
  • Plea agreement: Depending on the circumstances, a plea agreement may be reached between the prosecution and the defense. This agreement involves the defendant pleading guilty or no contest to a lesser charge or receiving a more lenient sentence in exchange for avoiding a trial.
  • Trial: If no plea agreement is reached, the case proceeds to trial, where both sides present their evidence, call witnesses, and make arguments before a judge or jury.

The Role of Evidence and the Impact on the Case

Evidence plays a crucial role in robbery cases, as it helps determine whether a crime was committed and establishes the connection between a suspect and the offense. The evidence presented can range from physical items, such as stolen property or surveillance footage, to testimonies from witnesses or experts.

The impact of evidence on the outcome of a robbery case cannot be overstated. It can sway the court’s judgment, strengthen the prosecution’s case, or give the defense opportunities to challenge the allegations. Substantial evidence can lead to a conviction or acquittal. In contrast, weak or contradictory evidence may raise doubts about the defendant’s guilt or innocence.

Building a Strong Defense Strategy

When it comes to building a robust defense strategy for robbery cases, several approaches can be considered. These strategies aim to challenge the prosecution’s case, raise doubts about the defendant’s guilt, or seek favorable outcomes.

Below are a few defense strategies commonly used:

  • Lack of intent or mistaken identity defense: This strategy involves presenting evidence or arguments to show that the defendant did not intend to commit robbery or that they were mistakenly identified as the perpetrator. Establishing an alibi, presenting witnesses, or highlighting inconsistencies in witness testimonies can support this defense.
  • Challenging the credibility of witnesses or evidence: This defense strategy questions the credibility and reliability of the prosecution’s witnesses or the evidence presented. This can involve cross-examining witnesses to reveal inconsistencies or biases, demonstrating flaws in the investigative process, or highlighting potential tampering or contamination of evidence.
  • Arguing for reduced charges or alternative sentencing options: This defense strategy aims to negotiate with the prosecution for reduced charges or alternative sentencing options through plea bargaining. This approach seeks to find a middle ground that minimizes the potential consequences the defendant faces.

How an Attorney Can Help Navigate Robbery Charges with Confidence

Having a skilled criminal defense lawyer by your side can make a significant difference in a robbery case. They can help you understand your charges, guide you through the legal process, collect and analyze evidence, and build a robust defense. An attorney can significantly boost your confidence when going through the justice system, as they can deliver guidance, advocacy, and support.

Hager & Schwartz, P.A., is a trusted resource in Daytona Beach, Florida. Contact us today at (386) 693-1637 to take the first step toward a strong defense.