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Florida: Grand Theft vs. Petty Theft

By Hager & Schwartz, P.A.

February 25, 2020

Petty Theft vs Grand Theft

What is the difference between petty theft and grand theft? Under Florida law, there are different types of theft that carry varying potential penalties. If the theft rises to the level of a felony, then it is characterized as "grand theft." Lower level theft cases are penalized as a misdemeanor known as "petty theft." Both grand theft and petty theft can have significant consequences, so you should seek out legal representation from a Florida theft crime attorney if you are charged.

Petty Theft in Florida

Theft will be charged as petty theft if the value of the property alleged to have been taken is less than $300. There are two levels of petty theft, with first-degree petty theft involving cases where the value alleged to have been taken ranges between $100 to $299. Second-degree petty theft involves cases where the value of the property alleged to have been taken is less than $100.

What Is Grand Theft in Florida?

If the theft involves an allegation that the value of the property taken exceeds $300. There are three degrees of grand theft. The criteria for each degree of grand theft is as follows:

  • First-degree grand theft: the property value exceeds $100,000
  • Second-degree grand theft: the property value is between $20,000 and $99,000
  • Third-degree grand theft: the property value ranges from $300 to $19,999

Petty Theft & Grand Theft Charges Florida

The potential penalty for petty or grand theft depends upon which degree is charged. The following penalties may apply:

  • First-degree petty theft: up to 1 year in jail and $1000 fine
  • Second-degree petty theft: up to 60 days in prison and $500 fine
  • First-degree grand theft: up to 30 years in prison and $10,000 fine
  • Second-degree grand theft: up to 15 years in prison and $10,000 fine
  • Third-degree grand theft: up to 5 years in prison and $5,000 fine

Contact Hager & Schwartz

Because the potential penalties may be significant, you should contact an attorney if you are charged or arrested for petty or grand theft. An attorney can identify potential defenses and make sure your rights are protected. An attorney will advocate on your behalf for a fair and just result.

If you are facing theft charges in Florida, contact our team today (386) 693-1637 to protect your rights and your future.